Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Center
Cost Management

About the Project
The 363rd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, conducts lethal, resilient and ready operations in four core mission areas: analysis for air, space and cyber operations; full-spectrum targeting; special operations ISR and ISR testing, tactics development and advanced training.
CCS was a key player in the building of a 94,830-square-foot facility that will house the total force command, flight leadership, squadron and support staff, in support of AF targeting, operations, missions and logistics. The facility includes one active-duty wing, one active-duty group, four active-duty squadrons and one reserve squadron, which encompasses 646 staff members and their associated workstations, equipment, storage and specific support requirements. MII software helped develop estimates.
Co-locating these units in one building, together with robust data systems architecture and secure workspaces, will provide efficiencies and synergy that will enable the staff to deliver next-level target analysis to our global mission partners and help drive joint all-domain operations against peer adversaries in future conflicts. The schedule for completing the new state-of-the-art targeting center is in summer 2023.