About The Project
Metra is the principal commuter rail system in the Chicago metropolitan area serving the city of Chicago and surrounding suburbs via the Union Pacific and BNSF Railways. The system operates 242 stations on 11 rail lines.
CCS has a long history of performing Cost Estimating services as a sub-consultant to the A/E team for various projects within Metra’s Engineering Department. We have collaborated on the full suite of design disciplines, including geotechnical, survey/plats-of-survey, civil, structural, electrical, mechanical, and architectural services. Our services have included data and information collection, project programming, project management, site investigation and analysis, schematic design services, design development documents, and construction documents (drawings and specifications). Some of our most prominent projects include:
METRA, 59th Street Station – Chicago, IL
Renovation of the existing, outdated station to improve the platforms, shelters, and canopies and create an overall aesthetic that conforms to the standards of Metra, the University of Chicago, and the City of Chicago. Work involved improved and new ADA accessibility; increased indoor waiting areas; improved and increased areas for retail; improved site amenities and signage; and the reopening of the 60th Street entrance to better serve ridership.
Metra Van Buren Station – Chicago, IL
CCS performed facility assessment, rehabilitation, and historic renovation of the existing Van Buren Station on Metra’s MED rail line. The facility assessment will investigate, verify, document, and analyze the existing conditions, including the street, park, track, and tunnel, and the assessment will address issues such as ticket- office rehabilitation and reconstruction; the restoration of the vintage waiting rooms, lobby and exterior facades; new platforms, stairs, and elevators; the entire building and tunnel envelope; and the impact of park facilities above the station and tunnels. Upon completion of the assessment, an overall scope for the renovation and historic restoration will be established.