Prince William-Manassas Regional Adult Detention Center
Cost Management
Criminal Justice

About The Project
The Prince William-Manassas Regional Adult Detention Center (ADC) opened in April of 1982. The regional jail serves Prince William County and the Cities of Manassas and Manassas Park, VA. The Adult Detention Center is comprised of over 400 sworn and civilian staff members. CCS played a key role in a 150,000 SF 3-story addition to the existing facility. The addition features an expanded justice complex with the contiguous court, detention, administrative, and support components. A colonnade connects the new jail to the judicial center, magistrate’s offices, and records department. Inmate booking and processing are co-located on the jail’s main level for operational functionality and safety. A new sally port provides a secure bridge connecting the jail in addition to the previously stand-alone 175-bed main jail.